Thursday, October 29, 2009

Even though The Bahamas doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving Day as a holiday, quite a number of Bahamians myself! Did you know that the turkey is one of the most famous birds in North America. In fact, Benjamin Franklin wanted to make the wild turkey the national bird of the United States! (lol...just thought you wanted to know)

I think we should celebrate Thanksgiving Day as well because it's a time of CELEBRATION. Celebrating who we are, and how we got here! We remember life's struggles and are grateful, even proud of how we overcame them.

Now is the time to think ...What does this time of year mean to you? Thanksgiving mean something different to almost everyone-----How do you celebrate the day? Do you have favorite memories of this holiday? Well, I do! Lots of memories are created and I wouldn't change any of them for nothing in the world! Thanksgiving in my family is a long tradition of families coming together......these are great traditions that we have made for our family.

This is also the time of year where we take lots of photos. I so enjoy bringing out all our photos and scrapbooks to share with our family. Over the years more of our beloved family members have passed away.

However, with our scrapbooks, it momentarily freezes time and brings our past to the present so we can enjoy yesteryear!!!!!!

I am asking this of you........Please take the time to make some special traditions this year with your families.

Once today is gone it will never come back!!!!

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