Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Letter addressed to Students of free "Spread the Love " classes.

Dear Student,

Thank you for your interest in our free 'Spread the Love" classes offered by  The Scrapbook Cottage.
  • As the starting date is quickly approaching, in addition to welcoming you, we also wanted to provide further details of basic requirements for this class.
  • Please note that class will start PROMPTLY at 5:30pm each Thursday beginning Feb 4th.
  • The basic "must -have" tools required by each student are:scissors, adhesive and a cutter. Although these tools are usually in the possession of Scrapbookers, if you do not presently have these items, they are available for purchase at the store.

So come prepared to experience the fun of scrapbooking and we look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you from The Scrapbook Cottage!
Keshia Pratt
The Scrapbook Cottage
54 Dowdeswell Street

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